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Hello Embassy Family and Friends,


We are currently planning our annual RLCE Community Outreach Thanksgiving Dinner and we need your help.


Are you able to make a monetary donation to go towards the cost of food and supplies, donate a few pies, donate your time for food prep and/or deliveries on Thanksgiving day, help cook turkey’s? If so, please sign up Here.  

If you would like to make a monetary donation, there are several ways to give: 

1) You can either give securely online
Here, (select outreach from drop down and add "Thanksgiving" in the
    memo section) 
2) You can text "RLCE" to the number 73256 
(select outreach from drop 
down and add "Thanksgiving" in the
    memo section) 

3) You can mail your donation to:  (mark it "Thanksgiving Outreach")  

    Redeeming Love Christian Embassy 
    3012 E Midland Rd 
    Bay City MI 48706

4) You can place your donation in an offering envelope on Sunday mornings and mark it “Thanksgiving Outreach”.

If you know anyone who would like a meal delivered or would like to come pick up a few meals on Thanksgiving day, please have them call 989-686-9910 to place their order. Orders will be taken until Tuesday, November 23.

All To-Go orders can be picked up between 11a-12p at:

Boys and Girls Club
300 Lafayette Ave
Bay City, Mi 48706 

Lets be a blessing to our community.

Who Are We
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